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Monday, July 9, 2012

June 2012 Section Newsletter

Aloha and Welcome to the Hawaii Section Newsletter for June 2012!

* Additional info and updates available on the following blog:

IEEE Awards and nominations

Our UH-Manoa Student Branch has received the Central Area Award and,
as such, will be nominated for the corresponding Region 6 award
which comprises the western U.S, the largest IEEE region in the U.S.

On a related note, the Hawaii Section is thrilled to have just
organized a second student branch; this time on the UH-Maui Campus.
This opens the opportunity for Maui members to act as mentors. We
hope organizing the branch will be a landmark in the effort to
provide more local activities throughout the islands. The Student
Branch Counselor is Jungwon Park ( who can give
you more information on helping out in this area.

IEEE Hawaii Section Online - New Website Competition
A competition, open to Hawaii Section Student Members (as
individuals or in teams). The goal is to create a modern, useful,
secure site to be the online presence for the Hawaii Section.
Templates that comply with the IEEE National guidelines are
available (for Wordpress). Other frameworks are acceptable (such as
Drupal or xAMP+HTML). The judging will be held in November, so
student members should form teams and begin work early in the Fall.
Contact Dave Morse for details:

Congratulations to Kailua HS, the MATE-2012 first place winners!
The MATE-2012 Hawaii Underwater Robot Challange was held Saturday,
May 19th at Richardson pool, Pearl Harbor. At our last Hawaii
Section EXCOM Meeting, Mark Rognstad asked for other IEEE members
volunteer to act as judges. IEEE members, Song Choi, Al Toda and
David Morse volunteered to act as judges. The first place team will
be invited to compete in the nationals at Orlando, Florida.

Volunteer Opportunities

There are many ways members can become involved with their local
IEEE. The Hawaii Section is looking for a volunteer to serve as
Membership Development Chair. You'll begin by participating in a
monthly webinar to learn about membership development and ordering a
free membership development kit with promotional items to hand out
at events. The next webinar is 9AM, Monday, July 9, 2012. Please
contact John Camery <> for more information.

July Monthly Meeting - Date Change & Agenda

We usually hold a dinner meeting the first Monday of each month.
However, we are holding our July meeting on on the second Monday,
July 9, 2012. Our dinner meeting will be at the usual place 5:30PM
at Zippy's, 59 North Vineyard Boulevard Honolulu, HI 96817. All are
welcome to attend. Map:
Agenda items will include: - Forming committee to draft future
conference bids. - Scheduling Section and Chapter meetings to meet
requirments. - Call for nominations for Computer Society Chapter
officers. - Other items TBA.

Please forward your corrections or comments to

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