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Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Agenda for the January Meeting

Section EXCOM Meeting

  1. Organize and schedule this year's elections. Announce the results of the December voting by the Hawaii Computer Society Chapter.  
  2. Organize and schedule meetings.
  3. Consider the possibilities for hosting conferences in Hawaii.
  4. Open the floor for other business to be brought up.

The EXCOM meeting will be followed by a talk on the applications of graphene.

Outline of Talk

  • What is graphene? Definition of the unit and super cells.
  • How is it made? Discovered by Scotch Tape Method. Scalable methods for large sheets like CVD on copper. Methods using graphene oxide and how graphene oxide is produced.
  • Properties: Melting point, strength, light absorption, spectrum, Chiral tunneling, plasmons, etc.
  • Applications of graphene sheets and platelets.: Cell phones and touch screens. Radio, photo-detectors and other essentially analogue devices, capacitors, frequency multipliers, 2D-Teflon for cookware, etc.  Addition of platelets to polymers, use in water purification, waste cleanup, etc. Possible future applications in cars, spintronics, valleytronics and space travel.

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