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Thursday, May 30, 2013

May Hawaii Section Newsletter

Aloha and welcome to the May issue of the IEEE Hawaii SectionNewsletter!

We have many opportunities for individuals to make a difference in
their communities and profession through the IEEE. Furthermore,
any IEEE member who might be willing to serve as an officer in the
Hawaii Section is urged to contact our nominations chair:

In this issue:
1. New Members Welcome!
2. Chapter Update
3. Calendar of Activities
4. Additional News and Links

1. New Members in the Hawaii Section

We extend a hearty welcome to new members of the Hawaii Section:
Meysam Asadi
Jimmy Cheng
Richard Chepkevich
Larry Cutshaw
Bryan Gorges
Mary Therese Hattori
Joanne Hayashi
Yu Xian He
Jason Paul Krook
Jonathan Liang
David Rhodes
Culver Stone
Ross Takai
Thomas Worthington
Jordan Yamada
Tuan Nguyen

The following members have recently moved to Hawaii; Frank Cowen
and Sudhir Ispahani. Welcome!!

2. Communications / Signal Processing Chapter

Oscar Libed, the chair of the Communications / Signal Processing
Chapter notified the Hawaii Section Chair on 10 May 2013 of his
resignation. John W. Camery will serve as acting chair until we
can elect new officers. The elections will be discussed at the
next chapter meeting on 3 June 2013, 5:30 pm at Maple Gardens
Restaurant, 909 Isenberg Street, Honolulu, Hawaii 96826. All
Communications / Signal Processing Society members are urged to
attend and help us find new officers to revitalize the chapter. If
anyone is interested in volunteer opportunities in the chapter,
now is the time to apply. You can make your interest known by
sending an email to or attending our meetings.

3. Calendar of Activities in the Hawaii Sectiion

June 3 - Our monthly EXCOM meeting followed by a tech talk:

IEEE Hawaii Section Communications / Signal Processing Chapter
Tech Talk and EXCOM at Maple Garden Restaurant, June 3, 2013, 5:30
pm. It is the first Monday of the month as is our custom.
** Venue Change **
This meeting, which starts at 5:30 pm (3 June 2013) is
at Maple Gardens Restaurant rather than Zippy's. Also, there is a
$10.00 attendance charge for nonmembers and $5.00 for members. It
is free for student members and the featured speaker, Eran Agmon.
There will be a brief EXCOM meeting and a technical talk. It's an
open meeting for both IEEE / Society members and guests. Come out
and help plan activities for the upcoming year and enjoy the
technical talk. RSVP to
More info at:

July (TBA) - Computer Society Tech Talk: "Advanced Analytics"

Presentation by Kishore Erukulapati, followed by a panel
discussion. Professionals from Big Data, Open Data, Data Mining,
and Advanced Analytics are encouraged to participate in the panel
discussion. Additional details will be forthcoming soon.

August (TBA) - Hawaii Section and Computer Society "Turbo Talks"

A fun and fact-filled event, an opportunity for members to present
short, focused talks. Want a chance to practice your public
speaking? Know of an exciting new technology? The stage is yours!
Additional details will be forthcomming soon.

4. Additional News and Links:

New IEEE Open-Access  Mega Journal  - free, interdisciplinary

IEEE Access provides free online access to applications-oriented
articles, meaning they explain how research can be applied in
technology today. The journal is designed to appeal as much to
industry as it does to academia while using a faster peer-reviewed
process that maintains high article quality.

Links for further information about IEEE Hawaii:

The Chair's blog:

Hawaii Section's Website:

Hawaii Computer Chapter's Website:

Hawaii Communications/Signal Processing Chapter's Website:

Hawaii Oceanic Engineering Chapter s Website

Hawaii Microwave Theory and Techniques Chapter s Website

Hawaii Section on LinkedIn:

Computer Chapter on LinkedIn:

Send your newsletter suggestions and questions to

IEEE Hawaii Section <>.

To unsubscribe from region/section/chapter eNotices, please visit <>.

If you need assistance with your eNotice subscription, please visit <>.

IEEE, 445 Hoes Lane, Piscataway, NJ 08854 USA

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