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Thursday, April 26, 2012

April 2012 Newsletter


Welcome to the IEEE Hawaii Section Newsletter, 22 April, 2012.

1. Special - May 1 - The Student Branch’s End of Year Banquet
2. Congratulations to Hawaii State Science and Engineering Fair Winners!
3. FREE - EXCOM (Executive Committee) meeting at Vineyard Zippy's
      (Date Change) Monday, 14 May

More IEEE Hawaii news, events and links can be found here:
The section chair's personal calender

1. Special - May 1 - The Student Branch’s End of Year Banquet

We voted to donate $250 to support the UH-Manoa Student Branch Banquet.
It is being held at 5:30-8:00 pm on Tuesday, May 1, 2012. Dinner is at
6:00 pm. They will host up to 5 members of the Hawaii IEEE Section at
the function. This is going to be their last general meeting of the
Student Branch for the year. They will have elections, farewell to our
senior officers, recap of this year, and have a speaker talking about
what life after college is like for an engineer. They also hope to have
a raffle prize for attendees and some time for people to be able to

2. Congratulations to Hawaii State Science and Engineering Fair Winners!

The 55th Hawai‘i State Science and Engineering Fair (HSSEF) was held
April 2-4, 2012, at the Hawai‘i Convention Center. Tep Dobry and Chris
Russell, our vice chair, are to be congratulated for helping out again
this year.
The IEEE Science Fair winners this year are:
Senior Research
Student:        Dianne Agpaoa
Grade:          12
Project Title:  Investigating Video Game Patch Algorithm Corrections to
Integrate into Operator Control Systems
School:         Waipahu High School
Teacher:        Lucille Imamura
Junior Research
Student:        Sophia Frasz and Alyssa Estenson
Grade:          6
Project Title:  Which Battery Will Last Longer?
School:         Island Pacific Academy
Teacher:        Michelle Bradley

3. FREE - Monday, 14 May - EXCOM (Executive Committee) meeting at
      Vineyard Zippy's (Date Change)

The EXCOM Meeting in May will be delayed until the Monday, 14 May 2012
because of the IEEE-USA meeting. Anyone interested helping plan our
upcoming activities or volunteer their time to help out is encouraged to
attend. The official start time is 5:30 PM, but feel free to come late,
have some food and join the discussion! RSVP to

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