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Wednesday, August 28, 2013

August Newsletter

Aloha and welcome to the August issue of the IEEE Hawaii Section Newsletter!

We have many opportunities for individuals to make a difference in
their communities and profession through the IEEE. Any IEEE member
who might be willing to serve as an officer in the Hawaii Section
is urged to contact our nominations chair:

In this issue:

  1. New Members Welcome!
  2. Spotlight - Local Incubator/MakerSpace
  3. Member Elevation Event in October
  4. Calendar of Activities
  5. Employment
  6. Additional News and Links


1. New Members in the Hawaii Section:

We extend a hearty welcome to Jonathan Lum who joined this month.

Welcome also to Tyler Hee Wai, Rob E. Weltman, and Jeremy Bos who
recently moved into the Hawaii Section.

2. Spotlight - Local Incubator and Community MakerSpace

Take a trip over to Hilo and you'll find a technology oasis where
you can use the laser cutter, host websites, create in wood and get
business done on modern computers with professional software.
Individually, in project-groups, and via meetups like TechTuesday,
community members are learning and sharing. "Hawaii TechWorks is a
non-governmental, social enterprise organization working in East
Hawaii and surrounding communities."

3. Member Elevation Event in October - Prepare your info now!

Senior Member status brings many benefits:
The Hawaii Section is planning an Elevation Event for October. If
anyone is interested in getting elevated as a IEEE senior member
and have necessary qualifications, they should contact section
leaders and/or other senior/fellow members.

4. Calendar of Activities:

*September 3 - Hawaii Section ExCom Meeting - Nimitz Hwy Zippy's

This meeting, which starts at 5:30 pm (3 SEP 2013) at Zippy's on
Nimitz, is our monthly EXCOM meeting together with a technical
talk. It's an open meeting for IEEE members and guests. Come out
and help plan activities for the remainder of the year and join in
the discussion.  More info and RSVP at:

*October 1 - IEEE Day 2013

Save the date... Tuesday, 1 October! What activities should we
plan to celebrate IEEE Day? Give us your input.

Keep in touch with IEEE Day on Facebook and Twitter.

*October 26 (tentative) - Member Elevation Event, Waikiki

Member Elevation event TBA - currently planning for late October.

*December 16-18 - IEEE SOCA 2013 Conference at Poipu Beach, Kauai

IEEE International Conference on Service Oriented Computing &
Applications (SOCA 2013) provides an international forum for
researchers from multiple disciplines to exchange and share their
experiences, ideas, and latest research results on all aspects of
service-oriented computing. Papers from industry in services
science are also welcome. Check out the conference website for more

*January 6-9, 2014 - HICSS Conference, Hilton Waikoloa, Big Island

Conference Chairman: Ralph H. Sprague, Jr., University of Hawaii,

*February 3-6, 2014 - ICNC 2014, Honolulu, Hawaii

International Conference on Computing, Networking and

*April 13-16, 2014 - IEEE-NEMS Conference 2014 in Waikiki

Organizing Chair: Aaron T. Ohta, University of Hawaii, USA Deadline
for papers September 15, 2013: Paper submission (2-6 pages).

5. Employment

Are you looking for a job? Here are some great resources from IEEE.
IEEE sites with job listings and other resources:

6. Additional News and Links:

Become a Student Branch Mentor. We have two student branches, i.e.,
UH-Manoa and UH-Maui. Each needs a Student Branch Mentor. Read
about the responsibilities and contact the Hawaii Section Chair for
more information.

Become a mentor to recent graduates, new professionals or
professionals making a career change. This is done through the IEEE
Mentor Center.

Sign up:

Links for further information about IEEE Hawaii:

The Chair's blog: Hawaii Section's
Website: Hawaii Computer Chapter's Website: Hawaii Communications/Signal Processing
Chapter's Website: Hawaii
Oceanic Engineering Chapter s Website Hawaii
Microwave Theory and Techniques Chapter s Website Hawaii
Section on LinkedIn:
Computer Chapter on LinkedIn:

Send your newsletter suggestions and questions to

IEEE Hawaii Section <>.

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