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Thursday, September 20, 2012

Report for Region 6 Meeting

                           Hawaii Section Highlights 2012

Our Hawaii Section spans several islands and currently has 743 members including 129 student and graduate student members.

Our elected officers include John W. Camery, Section Chair; Chris Russell, Vice Chair; and Marji Clemente, Treasurer. The chairs of Hawaii Chapters are Mark Rognstad, Oceanic Engineering Society; Oscar Libed, ComSoc/SPS; Kevin Miyashiro, MTT Society; and John Camery, Computer Society. The chapters vice chairs are:  Ryan Miyamoto, MTT Society; and David Morse, Computer Society.  David Morse is also the section Professional Activities chair and newsletter editor.

In Hawaii, we face the challenge of working with members on different islands, meeting their needs and supporting their events. On the island of Maui, we have a new student branch and a new membership development chair, Adrian Cogan. The Student Branch Counselor is Jungwon Park who organized the volunteers for the NOMS Conference. The ComSoc Conference, NOMS (Network Operations and Management Symposium) 2012, was held on Maui last April.  Tom Moore served as General Co-Chair for NOMS 2012. The ComSoc/SPS chapter and Hawaii Section had a meeting on Oahu with NOMS conference team last January.  There are four IEEE conferences scheduled for Maui in the next three months. Adrian needs a way to become involved in these conferences. There was some interest in Maui and across the islands in forming a Joint Chapter of the Power Engineering and Industry Applications Societies, but nobody was willing to serve as organizers and officers.   

Mark R. Rognstad, University of Hawaii at Manoa Hawaii Mapping Research Group Honolulu, Hawaii organizes the Hawaii Underwater Robot Challenge each year.  In May, David Morse and Al Toda assisted him as judges in this very successful event. Likewise, Chris Russell and Tep Dobry earlier helped with the Hawaii State Science fair. We committed the same amount as last year for certificates and awards to students and their teachers. Marji Clemente, Dave Morse and Al Toda took part as a panel for our technical meeting in April. In May, we had meetings to work on a conference bid for GHTC 2013, but ultimately decided not to submit it. We now have a conference committee consisting of Chris Russell and David Morse to work on a bid for GHTC 2014. In September, we had a technical meeting again this year to discuss the E-Cat. 

The UH-Manoa student branch was recognized as the Central Area’s Best Student Branch last year and is even more enthusiastic this year.  They have a fantastic set of activities planned for the year.  Already scheduled are  the First General Meeting - W 8/29 5pm-7pm, Summer Internships and Coops Seminar - W 9/12 5pm-6:30pm, Resume Writing Workshop - W 9/19 5pm-6pm, and Bytemarks Talk with Burt Lum - R 9/25 5pm-6pm The tentative events that do not have definite dates include: AutoCAD Workshop, Matlab Workshop, Soldering Workshop, Technical Resume Writing Workshop, Interview Workshop, Eagle and/or PCB Design Workshop, H-Power Tour, Referentia Tour, Solar Farm Tour, Krispy Kreme Fundraiser, T-shirt Fundraiser, Game Tournament Fundraiser, Weekly Sports Day Social Event, BBQ Social Event, Movie Night Social Event and an S-PAC. The Hawaii Section and UH-Manoa Student Branch also have joint meetings, such as, a Branch Business Card Exchange meeting usually held in November and the Engineering Week Awards Banquet in February. Grant A. Torigoe helps to organize these events.

The Hawaii Section is working hard to revitalize the Computer Society and the ComSoc/SPS Chapters.  The Computer Society Chapter hosted a meeting with the President of the Computer Society in April and a meeting with in August.  The Computer Society Chapter plans to elect new officers in December.  The Chapter is also sponsoring a website design completion. We met with Yi Zhu, Assistant Prof. of Computer Science at Hawaii Pacific University, who is interested in getting his students involved. The Computer Society Chapter and the Hawaii Section now have blogs, and, as well as, traditional websites. The ComSoc/SPS Chapter has scheduled technical meetings for the first Monday in October and November. Eran Agmon of Comtest will speak on "What's New in Communications?" in October and Edward Tavares of Verizon will speak on network security in the second talk.

Submitted with aloha by John W. Camery, Hawaii Section Chair.

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