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Tuesday, August 28, 2012

EXCOM Meeting Agenda

The Meeting

The EXCOM meeting will take place on Monday, Labor Day, Sept. 3, 2012 in conjunction with a technical meeting.  This dinner meeting will be at the usual place 5:30PM at Zippy's, 59 North Vineyard Boulevard Honolulu, HI 96817. Map: Last year we had a technical meeting in which the E-Cat was discussed.  We will discuss the progress on the E-Cat since then. Information on the E-Cat is at

The Agenda

1. The Communication Society/Signal Processing Society Chapter (Com19/SP01) must report two technical meetings before the November meeting of the MGA Board to avoid being dissolved. I propose the section co host two technical meetings together with the chapter in the September/October time frame and count them for the chapter.  Do we have anyone willing to be a speaker?

2. Discuss efforts to schedule a meeting about STEM opportunities in Hawaii. David Morse has been exploring the possibilities.

3. Discuss support for the Student Branch. Scheduling our annual joint Business Card Exchange Meeting with them,  our web design contest and other joint meetings and support.

4. Schedule a topic for a technical meeting to be held in conjunction with the the October EXCOM meeting. Last year we had a technical meeting on renewable energy. Also, in our newsletter we publicized licensing opportunities from the national labs.  DOE has presented many webinars and videos on these opportunities. These are possible topics.

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