The meeting began at 5:45pm and adjourned at 7pm.
John Camery (presiding)
Dave Morse (Section PACE Chair and Newsletter Editor)
Chris Russell (Section Vice Chair)
Grant Torigoe
Al Toda
Old Business:
John proposed that we form a Conference Committee to assess and develop bids to host future conferences.
John noted that the IEEE-USA conf. has a Sept. submittal deadline. The following members present volunteered to be on the committee: Chris, Dave. Chris suggested that Song Choi may be interested. It was agreed that an invitation also go to the membership.
John suggested we host an activity to celebrate IEEE's 50th. Chris suggested a dinner to recognize those with 50yr membership. Al suggested the Tom Moore be asked to contact and spearhead.
John submitted that we form a Nominating Committe to begin work on the Section Computer Society Chapter elections. He suggested that if be composed of those Computer Society members who were on the EXCOM: John, Marji, Dave. Dave asked that dates for nomination submittal, and for elections, be decided. It was agreed that elections should be held the 1st week of December, 2012, with nominations due November 9th.
John described the importance of chapters having the required number of meetings per year (minimum of two, with bonuses for six or more). He noted that Oceans needs one more, that ComSoc needs two, and that MTT and the new Maui Student Chapter need to be contacted and assessed. He also noted that Chapter Officers must submit meeting report forms to have their gatherings credited. Chris mentioned that, in order to foster involvement, and support recruitment, technical meeting can and should be co-hosted with other organizations. As an example, he mentioned joining with UH for Grad Student technical presentations.
------- new business -------
Grant shared that due to Summer Hiatus, the Hawaii Council of Engineering Societies (HCES) has no news to report.
John shared that, per Region 6, our Chapters should be consolidating their monthly announcements into the Section newsletter to reduce the number of emails sent to members. The group discussed other methods to disseminate information, including updating the Section's online presence (new website with social-plugins, plus John's blogs). Themes of "consolidation" and "relevance" were discussed. The new site should include the functionality of the old "web-in-a-box". Chris described functions that would be valuable, including the ability to subscribe to automatic calender updates, as well as a variety of communication tools (RSS, twitter, etc.)
Dave asked the group to share information on existing STEM programs (IEEE and other). He mentioned that there is a STEM portal ( ) and asked whether it was actively used. He also mentioned that AAUW has expressed interest in working with IEEE on events arount women in engineering - such as the introduce a girl to engineering program during E-Week, as well as speaker oportunities with Women in Engineering and Women in Technology. He shared that the Castle HS STEM faculty are very supportive of community involvement, and they are now doing long-range planning for curriculm and activities in support of the Castle Complex Redesign. Input is welcome. He submitted that a speaker/panel be arranged on the topic of STEM education in Hawaii, and that programs, success stories, and the current state of STEM be shared with a broad audience.
John announced that the Globecom 2012 Preview Webinar is on Thursday, Aug 9, 2012 3:00 PM - 4:00 PM EDT.
Chris suggested that IEEE should be involved in developing ties between industry, academia and local government to increase opportunities in the state. He shared the example of the Dayton, Ohio project "DAGSI" ( Dave agreed and mentioned the program "Kama'aina Come Home" which helps Hawaii expats "find available positions and resources with tech-related companies back home".
The meeting adjourned at 7pm.
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