- Report the progress on our bid to hold the IEEE GHTC 2013 in Hawaii and further actions.
- Discuss request by the Communication Society Chapter to hold a joint technical meeting with the Hawaii Section hosting a speaker to talk about 4GL.
- Plan a Joint Computer Society Chapter/Hawaii Section Technical Meeting.
- Discuss the ideas for meetings provided by our PACE Chair, David Morse.
- Discuss ideas for promoting the IEEE on E4C, Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, MySpace, YouTube, TechHui, Google+, etc.
- Mention the petition to add a candidate for IEEE-USA President.
- Report on the recent IEEE-USA annual meeting.
- Ask for suggestions on possible use of the IEEE kite.
Please comment or send me a email about any topics you would like added to the agenda. Also, should we appoint a timekeeper to keep us on track discussing the issues?
The Hawaii Section has received a Request for Proposals for hosting the IEEE-USA Annual Meeting in 2015. Contact me if you would like to review these documents.